
Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment - A Detailed Guide

Endometrial cancer needs a comprehensive care approach. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, specialists perform staging, which helps in determining the extent of the disease’s spread.

Once the stage is confirmed, specialists devise an individualized treatment plan. Along with the stage, the type of endometrial cancer, its exact location, its grade, the patient’s age, their overall health condition, and their preferences are considered while the treatment plan is made.

Procedures or Tests for Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis

Endometrial cancer diagnosis can be done through the following methods:

What are Effective Endometrial Cancer Treatments?

No two endometrial cancer cases are the same, and therefore, it is necessary to devise a personalized treatment plan. Customized treatment plans help improve the clinical outcomes and the overall disease prognosis. The following are the commonly recommended endometrial cancer treatment options:


Surgery is recommended as a primary endometrioid carcinoma treatment. The type of surgery depends on the stage of the disease. For early-stage endometrial cancers, surgery may be the only treatment required. However, for patients with advanced-stage cancer, multimodal or combination treatment is recommended.

Radiation Therapy

It is generally used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy as a part of endometrial adenocarcinoma treatment. Radiation therapy can be delivered through two techniques, namely external beam radiotherapy and internal beam radiotherapy (brachytherapy). In some cases, both procedures are used. Vaginal brachytherapy may be done after a hysterectomy. Brachytherapy may be administered at a high-dose or low-dose rate.


Chemotherapy is an endometrial cancer therapy wherein specific anti-cancer medications are used to kill or prevent the growth of cancer cells. These endometrial cancer medications are often recommended for aggressive and advanced-stage endometrial cancers.

Chemotherapy for endometrial cancer is usually administered in cycles, which include a treatment period followed by a rest period. Usually, the chemotherapy drugs are used in combinations. Sandwich therapy may also be used, including radiation therapy between the two cycles of chemotherapy drugs for endometrial cancer.

Hormone Therapy

Endometrial cancer is hormone-sensitive, and therefore, hormone therapy may be recommended as a treatment option. Hormone therapy works by killing the cancer cells or slowing their growth. This form of endometrial cancer treatment involves the use of hormones or drugs that block the hormones. The therapy is usually used in patients with advanced endometrial cancer. The oncologists generally combine hormone therapy with chemotherapy to improve outcomes.

Targeted Therapy

There are specific proteins and enzymes that regulate several vital cellular processes specific to cancer cells. As an endometrial cancer treatment, targeted therapy uses specific drugs that target these enzymes or proteins and interfere with these processes, thereby killing or preventing the growth of cancer cells. For instance, targeted therapy targets the proteins required to form new blood vessels and grow and divide cancer cells.

Clinical Trials

If the patients are not responding to any current treatments available, they are advised to enroll themselves in clinical trials related to endometrial cancer treatment and management. Clinical trials help cancer patients try new endometrial cancer drugs, treatment approaches or methods, etc., that may improve the survival rates and prognosis for these patients.

Why Choose HCG for Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment?

HCG Cancer Center is a leading cancer hospital in India with world-class facilities for diagnosing and managing endometrial cancer. The center has an excellent diagnostic infrastructure, comprising the most modern techniques for accurate diagnosis. The center has all the high-end endometrial cancer treatment facilities. The expert team at the center is extensively experienced in offering value-based and patient-centric care to patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer.


Endometrial cancer diagnosis can be done through imaging techniques, blood tests, biopsies, medical history and physical examination, hysteroscopy, D&C, and Pap tests. Endometrial cancer treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy. Patients must focus on receiving personalized care for their condition as it positively impacts the survival rates and the overall disease prognosis.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is possible to treat endometrial cancer successfully. However, in some cases, the cancer may recur. The endometrial cancer survival rates or the outcome quality depends on factors, such as the disease’s stage at diagnosis, treatment response shown by the patient, and overall patient health.

Endometrial cancer may result in bleeding. The CBC results of such patients might indicate anemia.

The likelihood of recurrence of endometrial cancer is within a few years after treatment completion. The recurrence rate of endometrial cancer in patients diagnosed at an early stage was 10 to 15%.

Endometrial tissue sampling and ultrasound are the two common tests for endometrial cancer.

In some cases, especially when endometrial cancer is in its early stages, surgery alone is recommended as a standalone treatment.