
Endometrial Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention Measures

Those factors that increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer are referred to as endometrial cancer risk factors. Having these risk factors does not guarantee an endometrial cancer diagnosis; however, they increase one’s chances of developing this cancer.

Speaking of endometrial cancer prevention, it is not possible to prevent this cancer completely. However, making certain modifications to your lifestyle can help reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.

Most Common Endometrial Cancer Risk Factors

Endometrial cancer risk factors are categorized as modifiable or lifestyle-related factors and non-modifiable or non-lifestyle-related factors. Lifestyle-related factors are those that can be controlled and modified, and non-lifestyle-related factors are those that cannot be controlled. The most common endometrial cancer risk factors include:

Endometrial Cancer Prevention Measures

It is not possible to prevent endometrial cancer as its exact cause is unknown. However, certain measures can help in reducing its risk. The following are the most important endometrial cancer prevention measures:


The endometrial cancer risk factors include advanced age, obesity, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, never getting pregnant, radiation therapy for pelvic cancer, hormone therapy for breast cancer, early menstruation and late menopause, endometrial hyperplasia, and Lynch syndrome. Endometrial cancer prevention measures include a healthy diet, regular physical activity, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and a reduction in estrogen exposure.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is not possible to completely prevent endometrial cancer. However, with the right measures, one can reduce its risk. The following endometrial cancer prevention measures help in mitigating the risk:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Opting for balanced nutrition and regular exercise
  • Being mindful of estrogen exposure
  • Managing chronic health conditions effectively
  • Opting for regular health checkups

Infertility may result in an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Women with infertility may be exposed to estrogen for relatively longer periods, increasing their risk of endometrial cancer.

PCOS results in anovulation and increased exposure of the uterine lining to estrogen. It may cause endometrial hyperplasia and an increased risk of endometrial cancer.

Foods containing vitamins C and E and carotenoids reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by scavenging free radicals.

Foods such as whole grains and plant-based proteins may lower the risk of endometrial cancer.

It is normal for one to wonder how to prevent endometrial cancer through diet. Doctors recommend a balanced diet to reduce endometrial cancer risk. A diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based proteins protects the body against various health conditions that may lead to endometrial cancer. It is important to avoid processed meat and lower the consumption of red meat. Further, limit the consumption of alcohol and salt.