
Follow Up and Supportive Care in Cancer Treatment: All You Need to Know

08 Jul, 2024

This article is medically reviewed by Dr. Srikanth Dikkala, consultant – medical oncology, HCG Cancer Centre, Visakhapatnam.

Table of Contents


The care for cancer patients continues even after the completion of treatment. This is largely because, at times, cancer can come back. Regular follow-ups can help you catch relapses in their early stages and support better health outcomes and an improved quality of life.

After you complete your treatment, your doctor develops a detailed follow-up care plan to help you monitor your health.

In this article, let us understand the different aspects of follow-up after cancer treatment, its types, its importance, and its benefits.

Cancer and its treatment can be traumatizing for patients. So, they want to complete their treatment as early as possible, thinking that will be the end of their ordeal. However, what they should know is that follow-up care post cancer treatment is an essential part of the overall cancer management strategy. Follow-up care is going to make their cancer treatment effective and help them have a better quality of life. Dr.Srikanth Dikkala

Follow-Up Care after Cancer Treatment

Follow-up after cancer treatment refers to the medical check-ups that a cancer patient undergoes at regular intervals after they complete their treatment.

These check-ups help doctors monitor how the patient responds to the treatment, manage side effects and symptoms associated with treatment, and look for signs of a recurrence.

One of the first things that doctors do during a follow-up visit is to physically examine the patient to look for signs of a relapse.

During follow-up visits, patients undergo several tests, which may include blood tests, imaging tests, and radiology scans.

Doctors may ask the patients about the side effects or symptoms they are experiencing and help them manage those effectively.

It helps to monitor cancer recurrence and manage treatment-induced side effects. It also helps improve the outcomes of cancer and reduces the rate of re-hospitalization.

Types of Follow-Up Care in Cancer Treatment

Once you enter remission after treatment, you must stick to a follow-up care plan. There are different types of follow-up after cancer treatment, depending on the type and stage of cancer that you have received treatment for, the treatment received, and individual case factors:

Things You Should Know About Follow-Up Care

1. Ask For a Follow-Up Care Plan

After the completion of the treatment, i.e. surgery, radiation therapy, or all the cycles of chemotherapy, you must ask for a follow-up care plan from the doctor and medical staff at the hospital.

The doctor will provide you with a customized plan depending on the type and stage of cancer and your overall health condition. The follow-up care plan includes the frequency of hospital visits, type of examinations, and medical tests.

Discuss your preferences with the doctor regarding follow-up care. The doctor may consider your choices if possible. Understand your plan in detail, and if you have any questions, ask them.

2. Never Miss the Scheduled Follow-Up Visit

It is essential to visit the doctor regularly for follow-up care. Never miss a scheduled appointment, and always follow your doctor's instructions.

During the follow-up care visit, the doctor will comprehensively examine your health and look for any symptoms that may indicate a cancer recurrence. The doctor may ask you to undergo tests if needed.

3. Cooperate With Your Healthcare Provider

Cooperation with your healthcare provider is the key to maintaining a healthy life after your cancer treatment. During follow-up care, the guidelines provided by the doctor are not enough. You must diligently adhere to those guidelines. Follow-up care is extremely essential for patients to return to the best state of health possible.

You must ask your doctor questions to take care of your health at home. Take advice from your doctor if there is any need to consult with doctors of other specialties.

4. Report Your Symptoms to The Doctor

Never ignore any signs and immediately report to your doctor. Do not wait for the date of the scheduled follow-up visit.

According to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, recovering patients must report the following symptoms to the doctor:

  • Pain, mainly when it occurs at the prior cancer site
  • Lumps or swelling
  • Recurring fever and cough
  • Fatigue, weight gain, weight loss or loss of appetite
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Any other symptoms that cause the patient to think that cancer has come back

It is necessary to take advice from your doctor before starting any medications or health supplements. You should also inform your care team if any other person in your family has recently been diagnosed with a similar or any other type of cancer.

5. Take Good Care of Your Body

Your body goes into the recovery phase after experiencing physical and emotional stress due to cancer and its treatment. You must take good care of your health and lead a healthy life. If you smoke, you must quit it, as it may cause cancer to recur.

Avoid or limit the consumption of alcohol. Incorporate protein, whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits into your diet. You may consult an onco-dietician, who can help you make informed nutritional choices.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. It will help reduce anxiety and depression and enhance self-esteem. Initiate with less strenuous exercise and gradually increase the activity.

6. Management of Treatment Side-Effects

In most cases, cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, cause side effects. However, some of the side effects of the treatment may continue or appear even after you are free from cancer. It would be best to learn how to manage these side effects through frequent consultations with your doctor. These side effects may be both short-term and long-term and may cause various emotional and physical changes. If your doctor is convinced that you may have some late-side effects caused by

It is crucial to have a well-detailed survivorship care plan, as it helps you ensure the continuum of care and maintain the best state of health possible. It also gives you a sense of control over your health. A survivorship care plan helps you understand what to expect during recovery and the right measures that you should take for it. Dr.Srikanth Dikkala

treatment, they may advise you to undergo some tests. These tests include lung function tests, electrocardiograms, thyroid function tests, blood tests, mammography, and CT scans.

7. Ask Your Doctor for a Survivorship Care Plan

A survivorship care plan, or follow-up care plan, is something that your care team creates after you complete your cancer treatment. This acts as a roadmap for your recovery.

A survivorship care plan includes the following information:

  • Detailed summary of your diagnosis and treatment
  • Details of potential side effects
  • Details of follow-up tests that should be done
  • Management of long-term health complications
  • Referral to supportive healthcare services, namely nutritional counseling, pain management, psychological counseling, physiotherapy, etc.
  • Recommendations on lifestyle modifications, including weight management, stress management, food adjustments, etc.

Here is a video from one of our specialists, where he discusses the importance of lifestyle modifications after cancer treatment:

Before you get discharged, you may talk to your care team about the survivorship care plan. Upon receiving a personalized plan, you can let them know if you have any concerns or questions. The care team must ensure that all your concerns are addressed and that your care plan is devised as per your individual needs.

8. Keeping Copies of Your Medical Records

Keeping copies of your medical records is crucial after you complete your treatment. Your care team will regularly examine you for signs of a recurrence, and when they suspect one, your medical records will provide them with crucial information about your diagnosis, treatment history, and side effects experienced, if any.

This information will help your care team make informed decisions and treat you in the best way possible.

Supportive Care in Cancer Treatment

Supportive care is crucial for the optimum recovery of cancer patients after their treatment. Supportive services or allied services help in managing the physical and emotional impact of cancer and its treatment on patients. It is also normal to opt for home care for cancer patients, which can support better adherence to supportive care.

1. Behavioral Health

Supportive care in cancer patients helps address the emotional challenges associated with the disease and its treatment. Patients often experience anxiety, depression, stress, and hopelessness during their cancer journey, and psychological counseling, as a form of supportive care, can help them lead an emotionally balanced life.

Here’s an interesting video where one of our senior psycho-oncologists discusses the importance of counseling during and after cancer treatment:

2. Nutritional Support

Seeking nutritional counseling post-cancer treatment can help patients have more balanced food habits, which will positively impact their recovery and health outcomes.

3. Pain Management

Pain management is also a crucial aspect of cancer or oncological care. The pain associated with the disease and its treatment will prompt medical attention, as it is going to affect the recovery and quality of life if ignored.

4. Naturopathic Support

Naturopathic support involves stretching exercises, yoga, massage, and more. Opting for naturopathic support during recovery can help in relieving body pain, reducing anxiety, and promoting overall relaxation.

How And When Does Supportive Care Benefit Patients?

Many patients and their caregivers think that supportive care, or follow-up care, is all about keeping up appointments with the care team. However, supportive care is not just about doctor visits; it is more than that. Supportive care in cancer management is crucial for patients to return to the best state of health possible after their treatment and have an overall better quality of life.

The following are the multiple benefits of supportive care:


Follow-up care is crucial for a better life after cancer treatment, as it improves the overall quality of life of the patient. The patients should understand every aspect of follow-up care. In case of any doubt, the patients should ask questions and get clarity from the care team. In addition, the patient must monitor the symptoms and take care of his overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long should a cancer patient's follow-up be continued?

The duration of follow-up after cancer treatment depends on multiple factors, such as the type and stage of cancer, the treatments received, and several individual patient factors.

In general, the frequency of follow-up appointments is high in the first few years after the treatment. This is necessary to manage side effects and look for signs of early recurrence. As time passes, the follow-up visits become less frequent, and the goal of these visits would be to focus on long-term health and side effects.

  1. What is the long-term follow-up for cancer survivors?

Long-term follow-up for cancer survivors refers to the ongoing care that cancer patients receive for many years after their treatment. This long-term follow-up after cancer treatment often involves monitoring the survivors for signs of recurrences, managing the long-term side effects, and improving their overall health through supportive care.

  1. Why is follow-up care important after chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a form of systemic cancer treatment, and it can cause side effects that impact the whole body. Post-chemotherapy care is crucial for the effective management of these side effects.

The following are the multiple advantages of receiving follow-up care after chemotherapy:

  • Follow-up appointments ensure better management of chemotherapy-related side effects.
  • These appointments support the early detection of recurrences.
  • During follow-up appointments, patients are encouraged to opt for healthy lifestyle habits, which will support better recovery and improved quality of life.


About the Author

Author Bio : Dr. Srikanth Dikkala

MBBS, DNB (Radiation Oncology), DrNB (Medical Oncology) Consultant - Medical Oncology

Dr. Srikanth Dikkala is a highly skilled medical oncologist practicing at HCG Cancer Centre, a leading cancer hospital in Visakhapatnam. Dr. Srikanth specializes in administering systemic therapies for different types of cancer. He also has experience in managing oncological emergencies and administering chrono-modulated chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy for various solid malignancies and lymphomas, and hypothermic scalp cooling techniques.

If you are looking for the best medical oncologist in Visakhapatnam, your search ends here. To book an appointment with Dr. Srikanth Dikkala, please click here.

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